EINA (Cat) - http://www.myspace.com/einappcc
After our experience with Inadaptats, seguiríem was clear that working together, building good relations, the result of our work willing and sincere, as the basis for a new more ambitious in our intention to join forces to social transformation and national our country and our planet. objectives too risky for those who forget that everything changes and that all of the changes involved, conscious or not, that have brought al'individualisme castrador of this system based on exploitation.
Those who thought that age was the antidote to revolutionary thought was wrong with us. Returning with subversive intentions more than ever, planning and choosing when and where to appear as evil as possible, with the most effective explosive: books.
Begin this new stage to music the old Chinese book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, filling our letters, not slogans, but mechanisms to understand all our conflicts and act accordingly, going from being a group of a reference tool for combat.
A word of worker and popular resonance. Tool is the name Inadaptats members have chosen to undertake a new phase of his career, and "The Art of War" is the title of his first album, which will be venda on 15 May.
The first disk tool is based on the work of Sun Tzu's Chinese military "The Art of War," a treatise on military strategy in the sixth century before Christ that still has validity today. Some people suggested that the teachings of Sun Tzu can be applied outside the field of battle in recent times, the book has been used as a guide to programs and conflict resolution, even in the field of business and finance. Tool applies it to the class war. To make the musical adaptation of the book, tool recorded some sixty songs, of which 13 have been chosen, one for each chapter of the book.
The result is a CD-book "The Art of War," a clear trend with respect to metal, hip-hop and punk Inadaptats practiced. "The Art of War" offers a ripe fruit of personal and artistic growth of former members of Inadaptats. The edition of "The Art of War" includes a reprint of the original text of Sun Tzu, in addition to a rereading of the same book written by Marxist partner Toni Montfort. Tool has recorded its first studio album from DoctoR'n'Rick study of the Ateneo de Torello People X Vilafranca del Penedes, produced by Xavi Cholbi, drummer, and recorded by Trashoo, guitarist the band.
U.K. BILL (Añorga, EH) - http://www.myspace.com/ukabill
2005. urtean sortu zen, Utikan Añorgako taldearen errautsetatik, Rafa, Unai eta Iker proiektu berria martxan jartzea erabaki zutenean. 2007. urtean plazaratu zuten estreineko diskoa U.K.Bill, Añorghetto zigiluaren bitartez. Sei kanta biltzen ziren disko horretan. Añorghetto records, beraiek sortutako disketxea da autoekoizpenaren bidea jarraitzeko eta taldearen biziraupena zihurtatzeko. Bertan grabatzen dituzte lan guztiak Iker Laurobaren gidaritzapean. Iker, guzti honetaz gain, bere proiektu propioan murgilduta dabil: Lauroba. 2009. urteko udara disko berria grabatzen pasa ondoren, "Paradisu Sekretua" disko berria Urriaren 31.an Donostiako DOKA aretoan aurkeztu zuten. 13 kantu biltzen duen lan berria.
Datozen datak aretoan
Abenduak 7: Eina (Cat) + U.K.Bill (Añorga, EH)
Abenduak 18: The Hangmen (LosAngeles, CA, USA)
Abenduak 19: Loan (EH) + Reznik (Madrid, ES)
Info gehiago...
Web: http://www.psilocybenea.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/psilocybenea
Fotolog: http://www.fotolog.com/psilocybe_aretoa
Oda al perdedor
1 month ago
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